Tuesday 14 July 2020

Jai Ganesha

When you start to try something in abstract, you get confidence in drawing from pictures. 
This drawing is one such thing which i didnt refer any youtube videos. I choose to draw a Ganesh art from google and drew with oil pastel.
Pros of abstract painting is color, outline or anything is just your imagination.
You can choose your colors and draw whichever you like.

1. DOMS Oil pastel
2. Apsara Extra dark pencil 
3. Whitener
4. A4 size paper
5. Tissue paper for blending 

1. To create dark effect, draw a line of black pastel and smudge it over existing layer.
2. Creating smudge effect on outlines give shadow feeling on abstract

#anyonecandraw #oilpastel #abstract


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